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The Gardens at London Town

Historic London Town and Gardens offers a diverse horticultural experience and has been certified a Level II Arboretum by ArbNet.

Support the Gardens through a donation today!


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What's in Bloom

Discover what's in bloom at London Town today.




Woodland Garden

The Woodland Garden features towering native trees, an extensive collection of magnolias, camellias, dogwoods, rhododendrons and viburnums, uncommon individual specimens of spring bulbs, woodland wildflowers, and shade-loving perennials.


Ornamental Gardens

The Cook Memorial Garden and the Lillian S. Hall Memorial Garden comprise the Ornamental Gardens. Daylilies, hydrangeas, roses, and crepe myrtles are featured in summer. Asters, mums, and salvias bloom in the fall.

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Sound and Sensory Garden

For children of all ages! Explore nature with musical instruments, discovery tables, and through a playset made of logs and other natural materials.

Living Roof Garden

Between the Visitor Center and the Anne Arundel Archaeology Lab is a living roof (above the Discover London Town exhibit). This roof, the rain barrels, and rain garden in the dell are just some of the ways that London Town is committed to environmental stewardship.

Volunteer in the Gardens!

Join us on Mondays or Tuesdays to help make the gardens amazing for all, or lead garden tours on weekends or for private groups.

Environmental Stewardship Projects

Would your group be interested in volunteering to help restore London Town's gardens and positively impact our local environment? Volunteering is free and your service hours are a big help to our gardens. All tools, gloves and bug spray are provided. Please contact our horticulture department by calling 410-222-1919 x200 and leave a message for Matthew.

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