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Botanist's Lens: Spring Sanctuary

Camellia 'Firefall'

Camellia 'Firefall'

Tree canopies, ground covers, vistas, shrubs, planters, are all filing up with color and splendor at London Town, as an early Spring arrived yesterday.

London Town's gardens are a true sanctuary in any season. Spring especially is breathtaking as the Magnolias, Camellias and many ground covers fill up the vistas again with color.

The best of the spring Camellias 'Firefall' (pictured above in bright red) is a sight to behold as are the bright ruffled large pink petals of Magnolia var. 'Eric Saville'. The star-shaped purple periwinkle is coloring the ground covers bright purple. But wait, maybe the purple Anemone in the planters is even brighter?

Magnolia sprengeri 'Eric Savill'

Magnolia sprengeri 'Eric Savill'





Truly speaking, flowers don't need any bright colors to fill up spring with splendor. Especially when you have dainty ornate white Pieris japonica flowers and soft white Magnolia stellata buds and flowers filling up the mid and upper canopy layers with beauty.

Pieris Japonica

Pieris Japonica​

Magnolia stellata

Magnolia stellata

As exquisite as some of the collections in the gardens are, in spring, it really doesn't take much to make the gardens feel serene. Even with the simplest of daffodils, naturalized over years on rolling hills, can take your breath away, as can only a couple of Daffodils while soaking in the sun in a ravine.



Although we are currently closed to the public, I promise to bring you a piece of this beautiful sanctuary through many visual images. Sharing today, loads of serene spring splendor of a beautiful sanctuary, London Town.

Young Magnolia bud with a new leaf (most Magnolias don't send out leaves, till the plant is done flowering)

Young Magnolia bud with a new leaf (most Magnolias don't send out leaves, till the plant is done flowering)

Weeping Cherry

Weeping Cherry

Cherry tree in Ornamental gardens

Cherry tree in Ornamental gardens

Spring walk Magnolias

Spring walk Magnolias

Magnolia flower with a sepal still attached on the top!

Magnolia flower with a sepal still attached on the top!

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