London Town's gardens are true four seasons gardens, filled with unique artistic plants. Transient veils of unique collections, signaling seasonal change, are apparent with each new blossom. From fragile ornamental annuals and perennials to seemingly everlasting evergreens, each collection wears a new veil. Carrying from one season to the other, as one collection goes dormant the next one is getting ready to wear a new veil. Who is wearing the next transient veil in the garden?

Fragile pink Gaura lindheimeri 'Siskiyou Pink' flowers, yellow Solidago & Lime light hydrangea together paint quite the artistic landscape towards the end of late summer to early fall bloom season.

Camellia 'Winter's Star' blooms early October signaling the start of the gorgeous and robust Camellia season at London Town.

Euonymus americanus (Strawberry bush) bright orange red fruits signal the transition of season from hot summer into cooler nights.

Osmanthus sp, the fragrant veil of early fall. Osmanthus blooms at London Town, planted at the beginning of the winter garden, beautifully and fragrantly give a glimpse into the transient woodland gardens winter season.

First fall blooming Camellias of the woodland gardens, its just the beginning!!