Pretty, poised Persian Buttercups and Anemones are highly valued in both the floriculture and horticulture industry. The cut flower industry loves them for their longer shelf life and these petite plants can instantly add layers of aesthetic appeal to any garden. Even one single Persian Buttercup flower can add abundance of oomph to any spring planter!
Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus 'Pioctee')
But these eye-catching blooms have much more to them. Their corms (underground stems) have unique desiccation tolerance ability and are called “resurrection geophytes”.
Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus asiaticus) corms undergo a period of quiescence in dry summer months and need rehydration before sprouting back again. That is why it is advised to soak the corms in running water before sowing.
Ranunculus wild variety (Photo courtesy: Rachel Rabinowitz)
When growing any plant, understanding its native habitat is key. However much humans have hybridized to get the prefect blooms, the growth pattern doesn't change much. In the case of Persian Buttercups, it is night and day when it comes to the flower. Notice the single yellow flower of the wild variety of Ranunculus VS the multilayered plump blooms you can buy in the market now. A beautiful change and near miracle of hybridizing!
Anemone Anemone and Coral bells Try pairing Persian Buttercups and Anemones with white Iberis or slate colored leaves of Lavender phenomenal, and your planters will instantly revive from long winter quiescence!
Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus 'Pioctee') White Persian Buttercup (Ranunculus sp.)and white Iberis Lavender