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#BotanistLens: Roses are red and violets are blue!

Got flowers on your mind for the weekend? Essence, art, poetry, modern lens, how are you going to capture them for your valentine?

Transient gardens are nowadays mostly only captured through modern lenses. But long before the lens captured botanical treasures, artist's renderings of plant morphology- botanical art was not only a form of art, but a necessity to learn about the plant kingdom. "The oldest surviving illustrated manuscript, the Codex Vindebonensis, dates from 512 AD, and is now in the National Library at Vienna"( History of Botanical Art - Part 1: Early Portrayal of Plants | American Society of Botanical Artists

Botanical Poetry was also another way to connect with botany. How far back does it date and how is the famous, Charles Darwin connected to, Eramus Darwin, who initiated the poetic Botany movement? Read more at this neat article from New York Botanical Garden:

Back to botanical art: scroll down on Kew Gardens link for more insight into meticulous botanical illustrations, it is absolutely stunning!

Both botanical illustrations and botanical poetry are precious, but they sure aren't for all. Fresh flowers on the other hand, are easiest to reach and can surely connect with any heart, especially on Valentine's day!

Art, poetry, modern media, cut flowers all are beautiful, but nothing will bring you closer to flowers than an experiential opportunity you can get at a botanical garden. A memory of a dainty Camellia in a snow-clad garden, exquisite aroma of a Damask Rose on hot summer days or rain drops gathered in Peony petals, London Town offers an experiential opportunity in every season.

Here is an easy Valentines Bouquet floral art from Garden design to share with little ones:

Enjoy the video for a glimpse into floral treasures of London Town. Happy Valentine's weekend!


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