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Botanist's Lens: Five Senses, Five Herbs - Infinite Connections!

Gardens that connect beyond the mind have true healing properties.

A stroll through a garden without the touch, smell, taste, sound, and sight of beautiful plants, is incomplete in its sensorial experience. Every garden needs a sensorial garden section that excites all ages. It doesn't take much, maybe a small pot, a small bed and even part shade would do.

Lets look at five versatile herbs that could heal the mind, body and soul instantly:

  • Sage

  • Nasturtium

  • Basil

  • Lavender

  • Tarragon

These five herbs are easy to grow and bountiful.


French Tarragon

Artemisia dracunculus var. sativa

French Tarragon is a staple in French cooking. It has a sweet licorice anise taste. Easy to grow in a pot. Other than the taste, its delicate lime green leaves can add aesthetic appeal to any garden.



Salvia officinalis

Sage is a versatile plant. Culinary sage, especially 'Berggarten,' has the wide leaf with gorgeous gray green color and flavor unlike any other. Sage belongs to Lamiaceae family, the flowering varieties are hugely rewarding with the bright purple color bi-lipped flower. Sage has a place in every garden, not just the herb garden. The gray green leaves would add texture to a rock garden or a corner of a bed. Also, Salvias have essential oils with healing properties.

Variegated Basil
Variegated Basil


Oscimum basilicum

Basil (also belonging to Lamiaceae family) has many healing properties. Healing the taste buds beyond imagination with one small bite of the sweet leaves, pretty purple flowers a treat for the eyes, crunch of the leaves for the sound, a fragrance to reminisce over and over, Basil herbs have wonderful sensorial properties that every garden needs.




Even with its bright bold color flowers, Nasturtiums aren't as well used in herb gardens as they deserve the attention for. If you like bold bright summer color, I would try Nasturtiums over Marigolds. The color, shape and appearance aren't even a match to the peppery taste of the flowers. Yes! the flowers are edible and a delight to salads. A must try!



Lavandula stoechas

Last but not the least, the lovely Lavender. Such a versatile plant! If I had to pick one herb that satisfies ones mind, body and soul and, invigorates all sense, Lavender would be on top of my list. Fresh or dry, the flower stalks purely excel in fragrance, color and artistic appeal. Lavender essential oils are widely used for their healing properties. (Check out my post all about lavender).

Mini Herb Garden Workshop

What fun is gardening if it isn't hands-on? Join us for a hands-on Mini-herb gardening event next Saturday, 07/11. Perfect and fragrant ideas to turn your garden into a true sensorial garden! Learn more and sign up here today (Pre-registration required).

Herb gardens are small beginnings with huge lasting impressions. Most herbs are maintenance free and are also super easy to start by seeds. But the key is to choose the herbs you will not only taste, but also a mix that you will smell, touch and enjoy with all your senses. It is a great way to get kids interested in eating the 'greens', for 'greens' that look good, must also taste good. Come and find out more next Saturday at London Town. Herb away!


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