A true four seasons garden, London Town's gardens have trails laden with a diverse array of plant collections to enjoy between many seasonal changes. Currently, the Maples, Camellias and Dogwoods are at their best color show and the gorgeous backdrop of the South River makes it even more pretty!
The maples especially have been breathtaking, between yellows and reds, the Acer rubrum (Red Maple), Acer saccharum (Sugar Maple) and Acer griseum (Paperbark Maple) all have given us an array of many warm shades to adore. More on types of maples: https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/maple/

Cornus kousa (dogwoods) have also put on quite the color. A deep burgundy red with hint of yellow at the petiole, simply stunning!

Other than colorful leaves, or colorful berries what stands out the most on the garden trails is the tan bark shades of Camellia olifera 'Lu Shan Snow'.
"Camellia olifera has been grown in China for close to 5,000 years. As a source of edible seed oils, it was, and continues to be, prized as a valuable crop." - Dr. William Ackerman, Growing Camellias in Cold Climates.
Oliferas are also a parent to hundreds of cold hardy Camellias. Some of which you can enjoy strolling through the Camellia trails at London Town.

Follow us in the coming weeks for more Camellia hybridizing information and what you can find growing on our Camellia trails.