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Botanist's Lens: Late Summer Nectar Pots for Pollinators

Cooler nights and early sunsets are a gentle reminder of the fall weather approaching soon. The grass blades are certainly enjoying the cooler days, but the pollinators are rushing to feed.

Featured in London Town's Fall Plant Sale on Saturday, Sept. 26th will be many nectar feeders such as: Toad Lily, Black-eyed Susan, Buddleia, Gillardia, Asters, Begonia, Anemones, etc. And yes, there will still be ample time to get these in the ground.

"Worldwide, bees, butterflies, and other important insect pollinators are in decline due to many factors, but mainly loss of habitat. Maryland farmers understand the importance of pollinators to our food supply. They are planting wildflower habitats on their farms that support pollinators. You can help, too— regardless of where you live—by planting a pollinator garden that supplies food, shelter, and water for adult insects and their offspring."

Late summer flowers mostly have longer lasting blooms. Especially for compound flowers of Gillardias and Rudbeckias. With proper planning, one can add ample nectar pots for several pollinators in both shade and sun gardens.

Toad Lily

Design your woodland gardens with late summer bloomers such as Toad Lily, Trycyritis sps., Begonias, and Anemones mixed in with evergreen shrubs. Sun gardens have ample choices for nectar feeders, but if you want long last blooms then go for Rudbeckia hirta varieties (Black-eyed Susans). One of the most reliant and giving shrub is Gillardia.

For more information about London Town's Fall plant sale, click here: Ground covers, medium sized pollinator and evergreen shrubs, native shrubs -- there will be ample to choose from.

"Biodiversity comprises both the species richness of a habitat and the interactions occurring between species. These interactions are even more vulnerable to change than the species themselves and their loss may lead to failure of ecosystem function."

Pagoda in Ornamental Gardens with Black-Eyed Susans

Late summer garden flowers play a crucial role in feeding several pollinators. Think ecosystem, think habitats as you think color and beauty for your summer gardens. Come and join us for our plant sale on Saturday, Sept. 25th and 26th and learn about design choices with several pollinator feeders.


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