Even if we can't celebrate National Public Gardens Week together, we can still do so digitally! Did you know that London Town is a proud member of the American Public Gardens Association (APGA)? They have put together some great resources in celebration of National Public Gardens Week, which continues until May 17! Check out a few below:
PlantSnap App
The PlantSnap app allows users to identify plants with a simple click on their mobile device. Their open source plant database features 600,000+ plants and 200 million+ plant images.
While they have a free version, PlantSnap is offering free no-term-limit Pro upgrades for donations of $20 or more to any garden through the MYGARDEN fundraising portal. You can designate any APGA member garden to receive the funds, including London Town!
Plant Heroes
Plantheroes.org is a great resource for parents and educators looking to engage kids while at home. Explore our pages and download activity books, field guides and more.
And a Little Something From Us!
All this week, make sure to visit our London Town from Anywhere blog, Facebook, and Instagram pages for articles, videos, and more in celebration of National Public Gardens Week. Let's kickstart the fun with this new video highlighting all the amazing things in London Town's gardens - from A to Z.
Grow the ReLeaf Fund
Recently, London Town launched the ReLeaf Fund. This newly created fund was inspired by the cycle of renewal in our gardens. Donations to it will ensure that London Town will grow again. Funds will be matched up to $35,000! Learn more and donate today!
London Town: Today and Tomorrow Survey
You may have noticed an increase in our online postings lately. Will you take a short survey about what posts and virtual programs you'd like? You can also share your thoughts about re-opening London Town and what sort of programs you'd like to see after the crisis is over. Take the survey here