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Virtual School Tours

Greetings from London Town!


Our staff would like to applaud the efforts of teachers and parents who continue to provide high quality education to all students in such a trying time. While we are sad not to see you here in person, we're excited to share a bit of ourselves online with you. The videos on this page cover topics in the history of Colonial Maryland. We encourage you to begin with the resource guide below, which explains more about the videos and includes accompanying vocabulary and activities.


If you'd like additional materials or have any feedback, please reach out at


Thank you again for all that you do.




Diana Klein

Director of Public Programs



You can watch the virtual school tour videos below or check out all these videos on our YouTube:

Welcome to London Town!

Welcome to London Town

This video provides an overview of the site and history of London Town, a port town founded in 1683 in Edgewater, Maryland. 

Trade in the Chesapeake

Trade in the Chesapeake

This video explains the reasons that London Town, and the entire Chesapeake region, became so important both locally and globally in the colonial era.

Sall & Elizabeth: One Household, Two Very Different Lives

Sall & Elizabeth

This video introduces the real stories of two girls who lived in the historic William Brown House in the 1700s. Elizabeth was the daughter of the proprietor, William Brown, while Sall was enslaved by Brown at the same time.  

Colonial Taverns

Colonial Taverns

This video explains the important roles that taverns played in the 17th and 18th centuries. 

Colonial Cooking

Colonial Cooking

This video details how to create three different colonial era dishes and dives into the traditions, economics, and agency of the people who would have eaten them. 

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